Seminar Gurdjieff Movements

Seminar Gurdjieff Movements






Teacher Jivan


Seminar Gurdjieff Movements

May 23-25, 2025.

You can read more and sign up here:
A certain inner state corresponds to every position of the body. On the other
hand, a certain body position corresponds to every inner state. A person uses a
particular set of habitual poses in their life, and they move from one pose to
another without a pause in the intermediate position.

When you take a new, unusual pose, it allows you internally to look at yourself in
a new way."

At the seminar we do what Gurdjieff called "Presence of Being".
Gurdjieff Movements are a way of waking up to who we are, a method of waking up to our true potential – and they work purely through the body/mind connection, purely through the medium of dance.

But unlike many forms of dance as used in therapy or meditation, Gurdjieff Movements are not about expressing our feelings and emotions through our movement;
Rather, through the learning of precise sequences of positions, the Movements hold up a clear mirror to allow us to begin to see who we are, to become more aware of ourself and all of our life strategies, to become more present to the reality of what our life is about. When we become more aware of our reality, we start living our life from a more authentic place.

The Movements are what we may call Awareness Work; awareness work functions primarily through seeing: seeing clearly who we are – in this case through the medium of the Movements; once we begin to see who we are, and simply say yes to that, without any judgment or opinion about what we see, then this opens up the opportunity for changes to occur in our life – not that we have to actively find means to change, not that we have to actively do something; rather change occurs naturally through our understanding and our awareness.

Teacher Jivan
I've been teaching and practicing the Movements now for over 30 years. During the 90s, I was based in India and for over 10 years I led the 6-week Gurdjieff Movements Intensive at Osho Commune International (now re-named Osho Meditation Resort) in Pune, as well as leading 10-day silent Movements Retreats.

But I also have, since the mid 90s, travelled to many different countries giving Movements Workshops and Intensives - UK, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, India, Taiwan, the US and Costa Rica.
Some of my works have been staged in theatres in Taiwan. 


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